“The horses stood calmly while the grooms, in full livery; coats neatly pressed and boots polished, bustled about them seeing to every detail of their harnessing.”
“So one might ask why a woman of my age has only ridden young stock since she climbed back into the saddle again after so many years?”
“It’s been eighteen years since a friend gave me my first hair rope, it was a nice little sorrel and white mohair Mecate and at the time, I didn’t have a clue how to use it on my horse”
“The traditional hackamore, known in classical terms as the Jaquima is a versatile tool that can be applied to any discipline and any breed of horse.”
“A weekend excursion to visit traditional Christmas Markets presents us with an opportunity to send a little holiday cheer from across the pond.”
“Each year in the US, 70,000 people turn up in emergency rooms with injuries related to equestrian activities and of those 12,000 are head injuries.”
“Cowboys and Sailors have a lot in common. Sometimes when a storm is brewing, about all you can do is batten down the hatches and try to ride it out.”
“I’ve heard it said that a cowboy is born and not made. I’m not sure what that means.”
“The cow business has a long history of profit and loss and this little story is a small example of this illusive pursuit.”
“Well, I have a four year old colt that I got from my friend Clint Branger. He’s out of an AQHA registered ‘Kessler’ mare”
“So, the new addition to my ever-growing herd of equines is ‘Eddie’.”
“Ok, just to say this before I start, I am no expert on this subject! This time, I’m gonna talk about the different kinds of ropes that I know about.”